

 After completing a Bachelor of Arts in graphic design at the Norwich School of Art and Design, Alexine Chanel (*1972 in Lyon) moved to Budapest, where she began her artistic production. Chanel lives and works in Berlin since 2004. She has held exhibitions all over Europe, in galleries such as Ancient and Modern (London), Gallery 2B (Budapest), Gallery Mars, Gallery Jarmuschek und Partner, Uferhallen (Berlin), Espace les Salaisons (Paris), as well as in Kunst Museum Ahlen (Germany), and the Essaouria French Institute (Morocco).

Chanel works predominately with photography, video, installation, collage and sculpture. The media is typically dictated by the nature of each project. What links the artist's different forms of expression is a vibrant mania for collecting, describing, categorising, and documenting various structures, emotions, systems, and memories. An overarching theme of Chanel's work could be described as the relationship between societal structures and the individual – from a very personal and psychological viewpoint.